Thursday, May 2, 2013

So who am I really?

Lets start on January 1st 2012.
I found myself overweight, unfit and generally unhappy about how my life had turned out.
So one day I grabbed my mp3 player, put on a pair of jogging shoes and hit the road.
Long story short it's been an eye opening experience through which I discovered a side of myself that hadn't ever seen the light of day before.
Obsessed as I am I read up literally thousands of pages on any subject that catches my attention.
So for what has been about 17 months I've done loads of research into mostly running technique and later on I also started research into improved training methods and nutrition.
Along the way I've had some bad experiences with certain products and methods I might share as well.
Credit will be given where required to all the people I bugged day and night for months to get where I am today.
And I would also like to apologize to everyone I baited with clearly bad ideas just to get the useful responses I would not have gotten otherwise.

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